Exhibition Jülich (VND) 17.08.2008

Ebenezer von Rosendahl

Catalog No: 1
Rating: Platz1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: VND-Vet-Ch-A
Written critics: 8 years old veteran, in very good condition, excellent type, very nice head and expression, good neck, good angulations in front and rear, very nice body and bone, moves well, well presented and in condition.

Snuggle Packs Bahama Brownie

Catalog No: 2
Class: Baby
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: Schönstes Baby
Written critics: Well balanced, very good head, good bite, very good neck, good angulation in front and rear, excellent body and bone for age, moves well, well presented and in good condition. Vielversprechend

Arnold Schwarzenegger Bär vom Gelderland

Catalog No: 3
Rating: vielversprechend
Class: Jüngsten
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Very good balanced, very good head and expression, good bite, good neck, very good body and bone for age, moves well, well presented. Vielversprechend.

Allways And Forever vom Lumberg

Catalog No: 4
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: VND-Jgd-R-Ch-A
Written critics: : Scissor bite, good head and expression, good eyes, good neck, very good angulations in front and rear, very good body and bone, good angulated behind, good tail, moves well. Excellent.

Del Osos Depth In Angel Eyes

Catalog No: 5
Rating: gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Good head, good neck, good body, good angulation in front, straight angulation behind and could be stronger in hind quarter which also spoils his movement, good body and bone, too much white on the black. Good.

Jamiroquai von der Gonheide

Catalog No: 6
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Excellent type, very good head and expression, good dark eye, small ears, good neck, very good body and bone for age, good angulations in front and rear, needs to stabilize in hind movement, well presented, nice temperament. Excellent.

Thunderstrucks Angus Young

Catalog No: 7
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: VND-Jgd-Ch-A
Written critics: Excellent type scissor bite, very nice head and expression, dark eyes, good neck, good angulations in front and rear, good body and bone for age, moves well, well presented. Excellent.

Morenas Casanova In Memoria Moses

Catalog No: 8
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-Ch-A
Written critics: Excellent type, very nice head and expression, big eyes, small ears, very good neck and body and bone, good angulations in front and rear, good coat, moves well, well presented. Excellent.

Baltic Bears Back To Twillin Gate

Catalog No: 9
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-R-Ch-A
Written critics: Scissor bite, excellent type, very good head and expression, good neck, good angulations in front and rear, needs to develope in body, get more forechest and deeper, moves with good power, well presented. Excellent.

Keba vom Kaninchenberg

Catalog No: 10
Rating: fehlt
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)


Catalog No: 11
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-Ch-A, CAC, VND-Cup 2008
Written critics: Excellent type, very nice head and expression, good neck, excellent body and bone, very good angulations in front and rear, moves well, well presented, in very good condition. Excellent.

Twillin Gate King of Helluland

Catalog No: 12
Rating: V2
Class: Champion
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-R-Ch-A
Written critics: Very good head and proportions but like a little more dryer, good neck, excellent bone, needs more depth in ribcage, moves well, well presented. Excellent.

Vladimir Jos of The Weeping Willow

Catalog No: 13
Rating: V3
Class: Champion
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Very good head and expression, good neck, very good body and bone, good angulations in front and rear, heavy marked, could be cleaner on the white, moves well, well presented. Excellent.

Belle Isles Newfs Love Is Strong

Catalog No: 14
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Very good head and expression, good dark eyes, good neck, very good bone, needs more depth in body, good angulations in front and rear, moves okay, heavy marked but in nice coat condition, could be cleaner on white. Excellent.

Newettas Hamlet from A Jumpingjack

Catalog No: 15
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Excellent type, very good head and expression, good eyes, nice small ears, very good neck and topline, good angulations in front and rear, very good size, moves well with good drive, very well presented and in good condition. Excellent.

Virgil-Atra-Amor vom Flowergarden

Catalog No: 16
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Excellent type, very nice head and expression, good dark eyes, good neck, very good body and bone, very good angulations in front and rear, moves very well and well balanced, well presented. Excellent.

Twillin Gate Full Black

Catalog No: 17
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Excellent type, very good coat and expression, good eyes, good neck, good body and bone for size, good strong feet, good angulations in front and rear, moves well, well presented, Excellent.

Twillin Gate Crusader

Catalog No: 18
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-R-Ch-A
Written critics: Excellent type, well balanced, very nice head and expression, dark eyes and good neck, very good body and bone, good angulations in front and rear, strong feet, moves with good reach, well presented, in good condition. Excellent.

Thickish Newfoundland Neck or Nothing

Catalog No: 19
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Excellent type, very nice head and expression, good eyes and ears, very good neck, very good body and bone, good angulations in front and rear, good clean colours, moves well, well presented. Excellent.

Del Osos Bright Side of Life

Catalog No: 20
Rating: gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Good quality with a good head and expression, good neck, too narrow in front, too flat in body, good angulations in front, could be better angulated behind, moves unstable, he is not in good condition today, nice temperament. Good.

Midnight Ladys Voodoo Spirit

Catalog No: 22
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Excellent type, very good head and expression, good ears, dark eyes, good neck, very good body and bone for size, good angulations in front and rear, very good coat texture, moves well, well presented and shown. Excellent.

Ustinov Sir Peter Bär vom Gelderland

Catalog No: 23
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-Ch-A
Written critics: Excellent type, very good head and expression, good eyes and small ears, very good neck and topline, excellent body and bone, good angulations in front and rear, moves very well, well presented. Excellent.

Goldbears Xmile To Dream

Catalog No: 24
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Very nice head and expression, good neck, good angulations in front and rear, needs to develope in body and get more depth in forechest, could be more stable behind, well presented. Very good.

Clark Gable

Catalog No: 25
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Torbjörn Skaar (S)
Written critics: Excellent with a very nice head and expression, good neck, very good body, excellent bone, good angulation in front and rear, heavy marked, a beautiful coatquality, well presented and in a good condition.

Dämchen vom Glashaus

Catalog No: 26
Rating: Platz1
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Anwartschaft: VND-Vet-Ch-A
Written critics: 9 years, excellent size, strong, good balanced, good muzzle, skull little bit small, excellent ears, good neck, needs more forechest, excellent bone and feet, excellent body, quite good angulations, excellent coat and muscles, excellent side movement, little narrow front and back, excellent tail, good style. Excellent.

Fame von der Ruhraue

Catalog No: 28
Rating: Platz2
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Anwartschaft: VND-Vet-R-Ch-A
Written critics: Good size, very elegant body, could be a little more compact, lovely head and expression, strong neck, good forechest, excellent bone, feet turn out, ribcage a little flat, excellent hind angulation, straight shoulder, not in full coat but excellent quality, excellent hind movement, narrow behind, lovely tailcarriage. Excellent.

Over The Rainbow vom Lumberg

Catalog No: 29
Rating: Platz3
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Excellent balanced, good muzzle, narrow skull, needs more stop, strong neck, little short, good forechest, excellent bones, good body for age, very good hind angulation, steep shoulders, excellent coat quality and condition, good hind movement, front needs to be stronger, excellent condition. Excellent.

Eline Promise of Gold

Catalog No: 30
Rating: Platz4
Class: Veteranen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Excellent body proportions, neck a little short, head is too small, light eyes, needs stronger muzzle, excellent feet, bone a little light, super body for age, croup a liitle steep, needs better angulations, excellent coat condition, good reach in front, needs more drive behind, movement is good for the age, super condition. Excellent.

Mary Lou von der Ruhraue

Catalog No: 31
Class: Baby
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Very good size for age, good muzzle, good neck, good bone and feet, elbow a little too tight, good body, steep croup, good angulations, good puppy coat, excellent movement, very good handling. Very promising.

Qudisyah Bär von St. Clemens

Catalog No: 32
Class: Baby
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Very pretty puppy, pretty feminine expression, very good bone, good neck, good body, steep sthoulder, excellent upper arm, very good hind angulations, good puppy coat, very good side movement, excellent temperament. Very promising.

Quan Sirna-Mette Bär von St. Clemens

Catalog No: 33
Class: Baby
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Strong puppy, goop balanced, good expression, excellent bone and feet, good neck, very good body, good hind angulations, excellent upper arm, good puppy coat, little low in front legs, very happy puppy. Very promising.

Perizad-Bär von St. Clemens

Catalog No: 35
Class: Baby
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Strong puppy with very good belance, excellent eyes, good muzzle, excellent bone, good feet, good neck, good body shape, excellent angulations, shoulder little steep, excellent puppy coat, excellent side movement, excellent style and temperament,. Very (very) promising.

Miss-Elli vom Allgäuer Bär

Catalog No: 36
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Excellent size, very strong bitch, good length of body, excellent skull, muzzle is wide but could be shorter, strong neck, excellent bone and feet, very good body, steep shoulder, too high in the back hand because of poor hind angulations, excellent coat quality and colour, side movement is quite good but must be much stronger front and back, needs more ring training which I hope will improve movement. Very good.

Ladykracher von der Ruhraue

Catalog No: 37
Rating: SG4
Class: Jugend
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Good size, big, long in body, narrow ??, good eye shape, needs to develope in skull, strong neck, medium bone, feet turn out, still very narrow in front, excellent body for age, needs to develope in topline, croup a little steep, super muscles, quite good coat quality, excellent coat quality, little heavily marked, very stiff in hind movement, needs a lot of time to develope. Very good.

Thickish Newfoundland A Blast of Oxygen

Catalog No: 38
Rating: V3
Class: Jugend
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Medium size, elegant with excellent balance, good skull shape, eyes a little light, needs stronger muzzle, excellent neck, good forechest, good bone, good ribcage but a liitle short, steep croup. Good angulations and ??, steep shoulder, good coat quality, good black markings which could be cleaner, excellent strong hind drive, little close behind, needs to be stronger in front movement. Excellent.

Hypnose Infinity von der Rudelsburg

Catalog No: 39
Rating: V1
Class: Jugend
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Anwartschaft: VND-Jgd-Ch-A
Written critics: Excellent size, beautiful balance, good head type, eyes a little light, excellent neck, good forechest, excellent bone and feet, body is good for age, excellent hind angulations, little straight in shoulder, beautiful coat quality, topline needs to be stronger, well balanced side movement, excellent temperament. Excellent.

Heart of Dark Angels Ayana Sweety

Catalog No: 40
Rating: gut
Class: Jugend
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: At the moment she is very high on legs and very short, quite good eye shape and colour, head shape is good but too small, very narrow in front, needs more bone, short neck, steep shoulder, body is quite good, strong topline, too straight in angulations, good coat quality, excellent muscles, needs to be more balanced in movement, much more reach and drive, good temperament. Good.

My Big Dream Go for It

Catalog No: 41
Rating: V2
Class: Jugend
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Anwartschaft: VND-Jgd-R-Ch-A
Written critics: Very elegant, quite good balanced, good head shape, good eyes and neck, good forechest, good bone, needs a lot of time to develope in body and ribcage, good harmony in angulations, good muscles, excellent coat quality, excellent side movement, needs to develope a little in front and back, good style, lovely bitch, needs a lot of time to develope. Excellent.

Guna Level of The Sea

Catalog No: 43
Rating: V2
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-R-Ch-A
Written critics: Good size, very elegant, could be a little more compact, excellent muzzle, skull needs to develope, excellent neck, excellent bone, needs more forechest, excellent body, very good hind angulations, front angulations could be better, beautiful coat condition, good muscles, excellent topline, excellent reach and drive. Just needs to develope in front. Has great style. Excellent.

Toad Halls O Happy Day

Catalog No: 44
Rating: V4
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Excellent size and balance, excellent muzzle, good skull, shape, size. Eyes little light, excellent neck, needs more forechest, good bone and feet, excellent ribcage, good length, good harmony in angulations, excellent coat quality and muscles, excellent side movement, little loose in front, excellent temperament. Excellent.

Kendy vom Kaninchenberg

Catalog No: 45
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Excellent size, compact body, good eye colour, murzzle and skull needs to broaden, strong neck, good bone, excellent feet, quite good forechest, strong neck, excellent body, needs a little better angulations in front and back, excellent coat quality, little heavily marked, white could be cleaner, movement needs more to be balanced, little too heavy in front, needs more drive behind. Very good.

Willow Bear Bette Davis Eyes

Catalog No: 46
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Little small, little low neck, topline is not straight, excellent muzzle, good skull, shape needs to be bigger. Good eyes, bones a little light and flat, good spring of ribs, body needs to develope in front, quite good angulations, excellent coat quality and conditions, good drive behind, front must be stronger, excellent style, topline is the big problem for me. Very good.

July von der Ruhraue

Catalog No: 47
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Excellent size and balance, quite good muzzle, good skull shape but must develope more, eyelid little loose, good neck, good bone, quite good forechest and body for age, good angulations, excellent coat condition and muscles, excellent side movement, topline needs to develope a little, excellent style. Excellent.

Timberlands Auld Lang Syne

Catalog No: 48
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Good head shape, excellent neck, good strong bone, good feet needs more forechest, body is very good for age, steep shoulder, excellent topline, needs little more angulations behind, excellent coat and muscles, excellent drive behind, front needs to be tighter which would improve topline, excellent style. Excellent.

Wood Newfs Flying Beauty

Catalog No: 49
Rating: V3
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Very good size and balance, excellent head shape, skull still needs to develope, a little too much legs, excellent neck, strong bone, excellent body, needs to develope in forechest, good harmony in angulations, pasterns a little too angulated, beautiful condition, good topline, excellent side movement, needs to be stronger in front and back, good style. Excellent.

Goldbears Chili

Catalog No: 50
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Medium size, excellent balance, good head, excellent eyeshape, needs more stop, good bone and feet, good neck, very well developed forchest, good front angulation, little straight behind, good coatquality and condition, moves close behind and loose in front, need a little more power in moving.

Chatkantarra Sedna

Catalog No: 51
Rating: V1
Class: Zwischen
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-Ch-A, CAC, BOB
Written critics: Medium size, beautiful balance, excellent headshape, excellent bone, good forchest, excellent ripcage, good neck and topline, good harmonie in angulations, good coatquality and condition, beautiful shows sidemovement, needs to devellop a little more in front and back, excellent style.

Pavlowna Anna Bär vom Gelderland

Catalog No: 53
Rating: V1
Class: Champion
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-Ch-A, CAC-R, schönste Zuchthündin
Written critics: Medium size, very strong, excellent compact body, muzzle is a bit long, needs more stop, skull a little small, excellent forechest, good bone, strong neck, excellent ribcage, excellent muscles, good hind angulations, croup little steep, little straight in shoulders, excellent coat, very good side movement, loose in front, will be better when she lost a little weight. Excellent.

High Secret Very Beautiful

Catalog No: 55
Rating: V3
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Good size and balance, good muzzle, skull is very small, strong neck, excellent forechest and ribcage, good bone, little over angulated behind to her front angulations, excellent coat quality, good muscles, excellent side movement, must be stronger in hocks, loose in elbows, very good handling. Excellent.

Pouch Coves Heads for Woodnewfs

Catalog No: 56
Rating: V1
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-Ch-A
Written critics: Good size, very elegant, little long in body, very good expression, very good eye set, skull could be little wider, strong neck, good forechest, excellent bone and feet, excellent long ribcage could have little more spring, super muscles, good harmony in angulations, very good coat, excellent side movement, parallel behind, little loose in front, she is stylish with strong and easy movement. Excellent.

Ursinus Velutus Billie Jean

Catalog No: 57
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Big bitch, excellent balance, good muzzle, skull should be bigger, strong neck, excellent bone, quite good forechest, good body, quite good angulations, good coat and condition, good hind movement, little heavy and loose in front movement. Excellent.

Rosa Luxenburg Bär vom Gelderland

Catalog No: 58
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Small bich, excellently balanced in body, little low on legs, excellent expression, good head shape, skull should be wider, good forechest, bone a little light, excellent body, strong loin, needs better angulations in front and back, excellent coat and colour, little weak in elbows, needs more drive behind, excellent temperament. Very good

Kimberly vom Allgäuer Bär

Catalog No: 59
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Very good size, excellent expression, good pigment, very good skull, excellent forechest, good bone, good ribcage, too fat and too loose in condition, quite good angulations, excellent coat and colour, very weak in hind movement, not moving good in front today. Very good.

Thickish Newfoundland Think Pink

Catalog No: 60
Rating: V2
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Anwartschaft: VDH-R-Ch-A
Written critics: Very strong elegant bitch. Good muzzle, skull is too down and narrow, light eyes, too much lips, excellent forechest, very good bone, good neck, excellent body, little over angulated behind, steep shoulders, excellent condition, excellent reach and drive but movement shoud be stronger and parallel, excellent style. Excellent.

Cypress Bays Kind of Magic

Catalog No: 62
Rating: vorzüglich
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Good size, elegant with good balance, excellent eyes, strong muzzle, excellent under jaw, skull a little small, excellent neck, good forechest, super bone, ribcage a little flat, short tail, quite good angulations, needs more muscles, beautiful coat quaity and condition, good reach and drive, a little loose in front, could show herself better. Excellent.

Bears Cove Fleur d´Orlane

Catalog No: 63
Rating: V4
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Good size, excellent balance, excellent muzzle, good eye set, skull should be little wider, short neck, quite good forechest, good bone, excellent body, strong loins, quite good angulations, excellent coat, very good side movement, front should be stronger, excellent style. Excellent.

Mona Lisa Bär vom Gelderland

Catalog No: 64
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Excellent outlines and balance, excellent head shape, skull should be little wider, strong neck, needs much more forechest, good bone, very weak in pasterns, ribcage is too flat, needs much more body, short and steep croup, needs better angulations, good coat quality, in poor body condition, excellent side movement, weak in front. Very good.

New Image van Nikitas Berenbrigade

Catalog No: 65
Rating: sehr gut
Class: Offene
Judge: Paul Stanton (S)
Written critics: Good size, little long in body, excellent expression, good eyes, strong neck, quite good forechest, excellent bone, feet turn out, ribcage is ?? shaped, needs more angulations in front and back, very good muscles, very good coat, quite good side movement, very narrow in front. Very good.